Tsunamis can destroy entire cities and change the course of human history. And that is why it is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. They are occurring rapidly, which is why there is very little time to warn the population and the destruction they cause extremely great. Seismic activity along faults running deep under the ocean floor, less often volcanic eruptions, cause huge waves sweeping away everything in their path. Avalanches of water move at a speed of about 800 km / h. Having reached the coastline, this colossal mass of water rises by tens of meters, after which it falls to the ground with tremendous force.
Tsunamis often occur in well-known high-risk areas, along the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In high-risk areas, escape routes may be marked with special signs. You should study these routes in advance. If you live near or are at risk of a coastline, plan your escape routes on foot and by car to land areas that are at least 45 m above sea level or at least 3 km away from the coast. Do not rely on vegetation – in such a disaster, it will not protect you. Trees are more likely to be uprooted from the ground.
Some regions have installed tsunami warning systems that are triggered by detection devices installed on the seabed.

If there is no such system, be guided by natural clues. Any significant earthquake felt off the coast should be cause for concern. Rapid changes in water level and unusual behavior of animals are considered equally important signals. How long it will take from an earthquake to a possible tsunami impact depends on the distance from the fault to the coastline. You will most likely have no more than 20 minutes at your disposal to get to safe place. You need to act very quickly, as your life can depend on the speed of response.